These are the UDS NRC as per ISO 14229-1.

NRC Value(in Hex)NRC NameDescription
0x00Positive ResponseThis NRC shall not be used in a negative response message. This
positiveResponse parameter value is reserved for server internal implementation.
0x01 – 0x0FISO SAE ReservedThis range of NRC is reserved for the future use.
0x10General RejectThis NRC indicates that the requested action has been rejected by the server. The generalReject response code shall only be implemented in the server if none of the negative response codes meet the needs of the implementation.
0x11Service Not SupportedThis NRC indicates that the requested action will not be taken because the server does not support the requested service.
The server shall send this NRC in case the client has sent a request message with a service identifier which is unknown, not supported by the server, or is specified as a response service identifier. Therefore this negative response code is not shown in the list of negative response codes to be supported for a diagnostic service, because this negative response code is not applicable for supported services.
0x12Sub-function Not SupportedThis NRC indicates that the requested action will not be taken because the server does not support the service specific parameters of the request message. The server shall send this NRC in case the client has sent a request message with a known and supported service identifier but with “sub-function“ which is either unknown or not supported.
0x13Incorrect Message Length or Invalid FormatThis NRC indicates that the requested action will not be taken because the length of the received request message does not match the prescribed length for the specified service or the format of the parameters do not match the prescribed format for the specified service.
0x14Response Too LongThis NRC shall be reported by the server if the response to be generated exceeds the maximum number of bytes available by the underlying network layer. This could occur if the response message exceeds the maximum size allowed by the underlying transport protocol or if the response message exceeds the server buffer size allocated for that purpose.
0x15 – 0x20ISO SAE ReservedThis range of NRC is reserved for the future use.
0x21Busy Repeat RequestThis NRC indicates that the server is temporarily too busy to perform the requested operation. In this circumstance the client shall perform repetition of the “identical request message” or “another request message”. The repetition of the request shall be delayed by a time specified in the respective implementation documents.
0x22Conditions Not CorrectThis NRC indicates that the requested action will not be taken because the server prerequisite conditions are not met.
0x23ISO SAE ReservedThis NRC is reserved for the future use.
0x24Request Sequence ErrorThis NRC indicates that the requested action will not be taken because the server expects a different sequence of request messages or message as sent by the client. This may occur when sequence sensitive requests are issued in the wrong order.
0x25No Response from Subnet ComponentThis NRC indicates that the server has received the request but the requested action could not be performed by the server as a subnet component which is necessary to supply the requested information did not respond within the specified time.
The noResponseFromSubnetComponent negative response shall be implemented by gateways in electronic systems which contain electronic subnet components and which do not directly respond to the client’s request.
0x26Failure Prevents Execution of Requested ActionThis NRC indicates that the requested action will not be taken because a failure condition, identified by a DTC (with at least one DTC status bit for TestFailed, Pending, Confirmed or TestFailedSinceLastClear set to 1), has occurred and that this failure condition prevents the server from performing the requested action.
This NRC can, for example, direct the technician to read DTCs in order to identify and fix the problem.
0x27 – 0x30ISO SAE ReservedThis range of NRC is reserved for the future use.
0x31Request Out of RangeThis NRC indicates that the requested action will not be taken because the server has detected that the request message contains a parameter which attempts to substitute a value beyond its range of authority (e.g. attempting to substitute a data byte of 111 when the data is only defined to 100), or which attempts to access a dataIdentifier/routineIdentifer that is not supported or not supported in active session.
This NRC shall be implemented for all services, which allow the client to read data, write data or adjust functions by data in the server.
0x32ISO SAE ReservedThis NRC is reserved for the future use.
0x33Security Access DeniedThis NRC indicates that the requested action will not be taken because the
server’s security strategy has not been satisfied by the client.
The server shall send this NRC if one of the following cases occur:
⎯ the test conditions of the server are not met,
⎯ the required message sequence e.g. DiagnosticSessionControl,
securityAccess is not met,
⎯ the client has sent a request message which requires an unlocked server.
0x34ISO SAE ReservedThis NRC is reserved for the future use.
0x35Invalid KeyThis NRC indicates that the server has not given security access because the key sent by the client did not match with the key in the server’s memory. This counts as an attempt to gain security. The server shall remain locked and increment its internal securityAccessFailed counter.
0x36Exceeded Number of AttemptsThis NRC indicates that the requested action will not be taken because the client has unsuccessfully attempted to gain security access more times than the server’s security strategy will allow.
0x37Required time delay not expiredThis NRC indicates that the requested action will not be taken because the client’s latest attempt to gain security access was initiated before the server’s required timeout period had elapsed.
0x38 – 0x4FReserved by Extended Data Link SecurityThis range of values is reserved by extended data link security Document.
0x50 – 0x6FISO SAE ReservedThis range of NRC is reserved for the future use.
0x70Upload Download Not AcceptedThis NRC indicates that an attempt to upload/download to a server’s memory cannot be accomplished due to some fault conditions.
0x71Transfer Data SuspendedThis NRC indicates that a data transfer operation was halted due to some fault. The active transferData sequence shall be aborted.
0x72General Programming FailureThis NRC indicates that the server detected an error when erasing or programming a memory location in the permanent memory device (e.g. Flash Memory).
0x73Wrong Block Sequence NumberThis NRC indicates that the server detected an error in the sequence of
blockSequenceCounter values. Note that the repetition of a TransferData request message with a blockSequenceCounter equal to the one included in the previous TransferData request message shall be accepted by the server.
0x74 – 0x77ISO SAE ReservedThis range of NRC is reserved for the future use.
0x78Request correctly received, Response PendingThis NRC indicates that the request message was received correctly, and that all parameters in the request message were valid, but the action to be performed is not yet completed and the server is not yet ready to receive another request. As soon as the requested service has been completed, the server shall send a positive response message or negative response message with a response code
different from this.
0x79 – 0x7DISO SAE ReservedThis range of NRC is reserved for the future use.
0x7ESub function Not Supported in Active SessionThis NRC indicates that the requested action will not be taken because the server does not support the requested sub-function in the session currently active. This NRC shall only be used when the requested sub-function is known to be supported in another session, otherwise response code SFNS (sub-functionNotSupported) shall be used (e.g., servers executing the boot software generally do not know which subfunctions are supported in the application (and vice versa) and therefore may need to respond with NRC 0x12 instead).
This NRC shall be supported by each diagnostic service with a sub-function parameter, if not otherwise stated in the data link specific implementation document, therefore it is not listed in the list of applicable response codes of the diagnostic services.
0x7FService Not Supported in Active SessionThis NRC indicates that the requested action will not be taken because the server does not support the requested service in the session currently active. This NRC shall only be used when the requested service is known to be supported in another session, otherwise response code SNS (serviceNotSupported) shall be used (e.g., servers executing the boot software generally do not know which services are supported in the application (and vice versa) and therefore may need to respond with NRC 0x11 instead).
This NRC is in general supported by each diagnostic service, as not otherwise stated in the data link specific implementation document, therefore it is not listed in the list of applicable response codes of the diagnostic services.
0x80ISO SAE ReservedThis NRC is reserved for the future use.
0x81RPM Too HighThis NRC indicates that the requested action will not be taken because the server prerequisite condition for RPM is not met (current RPM is above a preprogrammed maximum threshold).
0x82RPM Too LowThis NRC indicates that the requested action will not be taken because the server prerequisite condition for RPM is not met (current RPM is below a preprogrammed minimum threshold).
0x83Engine is RunningThis NRC is required for those actuator tests which cannot be actuated while the Engine is running. This is different from RPM too high negative response, and needs to be allowed.
0x84Engine is not RunningThis NRC is required for those actuator tests which cannot be actuated unless the Engine is running. This is different from RPM too low negative response, and needs to be allowed.
0x85Engine Run Time too LowThis NRC indicates that the requested action will not be taken because the server prerequisite condition for engine run time is not met (current engine run time is below a pre-programmed limit).
0x86Temperature Too HighThis NRC indicates that the requested action will not be taken because the server prerequisite condition for temperature is not met (current temperature is above a pre-programmed maximum threshold).
0x87Temperature Too LowThis NRC indicates that the requested action will not be taken because the server prerequisite condition for temperature is not met (current temperature is below a pre-programmed minimum threshold).
0x88Vehicle Speed Too HighThis NRC indicates that the requested action will not be taken because the server prerequisite condition for vehicle speed is not met (current VS is above a preprogrammed maximum threshold).
0x89Vehicle Speed Too LowThis NRC indicates that the requested action will not be taken because the server prerequisite condition for vehicle speed is not met (current VS is below a preprogrammed minimum threshold).
0x8AThrottle too HighThis NRC indicates that the requested action will not be taken because the server prerequisite condition for throttle/pedal position is not met (current TP/APP is above a pre-programmed maximum threshold).
0x8BThrottle too LowThis NRC indicates that the requested action will not be taken because the server prerequisite condition for throttle/pedal position is not met (current TP/APP is below a pre-programmed minimum threshold).
0x8CTransmission range not in NeutralThis NRC indicates that the requested action will not be taken because the server prerequisite condition for being in neutral is not met (current transmission range is not in neutral).
0x8DTransmission range not in GearThis NRC indicates that the requested action will not be taken because the server prerequisite condition for being in gear is not met (current transmission range is not in gear).
0x8EISO SAE ReservedThis NRC is reserved for the future use.
0x8FBrake not appliedThis NRC indicates that for safety reasons, this is required for certain tests before it begins, and must be maintained for the entire duration of the test.
0x90Shift Lever not in ParkThis NRC indicates that for safety reasons, this is required for certain tests before it begins, and must be maintained for the entire duration of the test.
0x91Torque Converter Clutch lockedThis NRC indicates that the requested action will not be taken because the server prerequisite condition for torque converter clutch is not met (current TCC status above a pre-programmed limit or locked).
0x92Voltage Too HighThis NRC indicates that the requested action will not be taken because the server prerequisite condition for voltage at the primary pin of the server (ECU) is not met (current voltage is above a pre-programmed maximum threshold).
0x93Voltage Too LowThis NRC indicates that the requested action will not be taken because the server
prerequisite condition for voltage at the primary pin of the server (ECU) is not met
(current voltage is below a pre-programmed maximum threshold).
0x94 – 0xEFReserved for Specific Condition not CorrectThis range of values is reserved by this document for future definition.
0xF0 – 0xFEOEM specific CNCThis range of values is reserved for vehicle manufacturer specific condition not correct scenarios.
0xFFISO SAE ReservedThis NRC is reserved for the future use.
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